The Solid Waste Authority operates a countywide drop Off recycling program to provide residential recycling to areas that do not have access to curbside recycling.
Nineteen (19) sites located throughout the county are open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Are you in the loop?
Recycling doesn't end when you throw a can or a bottle into the recycling container. You need to buy products made out of recycled materials to "close the loop" and truly make recycling work. By buying recycled products, you help create a demand for recycled materials and help create markets for recycled products. So the next time you're shopping, look close and BUY RECYCLED!
CLick on the map to locate any of the Jefferson county recycling drop-off sites!
“The earth is a fine place and worth fighting for.”
— Ernest Hemingway
Please consider taking a brief survey to let us know how we are doing!