Please do not landfill or burn items that can be recycled.
Remove lids
Rinse containers
Flatten – plastic jugs, boxes, large tin cans
Put recyclables in correct compartment
Bundle newspapers or put in paper bags when using the newspaper sheds
Items Accepted
Empty your recyclables into the correct compartment and take your bags home with you.
Return plastic grocery bags to the grocery story for recycling.
#1 plastic bottles & jugs (Examples: pop, juice, water)
#2 plastic bottles & jugs (flattened) (Examples: milk, detergent)
Clear, brown, green glass bottles & jars
Aluminum cans
Steel & tin beverage cans
Newspapers & phone books
Magazines & catalogs
Corrugated cardboard boxes (flattened)
Office paper – copy & printer paper, notebook paper, junk mail, envelopes
Items NOT Accepted
Empty your recyclables into the correct compartment and take your bags home with you.
Return plastic grocery bags to the grocery story for recycling.
NO plastic containers coded #3-#7
NO motor oil containers
NO snack food and deli tray plastic
NO butter containers
NO yogurt containers
NO plastic toys
NO flower pots
NO laundry baskets
NO buckets, cat litter buckets
NO ceramic cups & plates
NO light bulbs
NO window or mirror glass
NO aerosol cans
NO paint cans
NO scrap metal
NO pots, pans or bakeware
NO foil & disposable pans
NO dry food and tissue boxes
NO books
NO pizza boxes
NO trash