
Be sure to read the labels on the containers for the items accepted.

All recyclables must be separated.

Barnett Township Building 8864 Rt 36, Sigel 15860

Beaver Township Corner of Pansy-Ringgold Rd & Rt 36, Brookville 15825 (newspaper shed only)

Bell Township 103 Runway Dr, Punxsutawney 15767

Eldred Township Building 3441 Rt 36, Brookville 15825 (newspaper shed only)

Gaskill Township Building 74 Municipal Lane, Punxsutawney 15767

Knox Township Building 7525 Knoxdale Rd, Knoxdale 15747

Oliver Township Building 767 Coolspring Rd, Worthville 15784

Pine Creek Township 1581 Kerner Rd, Brookville 15825

Polk Township Building 11382 Richardsville Rd, Brookville 15825

Reynoldsville Borough Maintenance Building South 5th St, Reynoldsville 15851

Mike’s Bi-Lo 32 South 5th St, Reynoldsville 15851 (newspaper shed only)

Ringgold Fire Hall 163 Firehall Rd, Ringgold 15770

Rose Township Building Corner of Maplevale Rd & Miller Dr, Brookville 15825

Summerville Borough Corner of Water St & Carrier St, Summerville 15864

Sykesville Borough Site Kaufman Street, Sykesville 15865

Washington Township Building 2933 Airport Rd, Falls Creek 15840

Young Township 1517 Walston Rd, Walston 15781 (newspaper shed only)

Waste Management 6330 Rt 219, Brockway 15824